Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero
Jim Pancero has been influencing, guiding, and inspiring sales professionals in more than 80 different industries to increase sales, market share and profitability. Jim's combination of humor, larger-than-life personality, outstanding research and real-world examples that hit home, provide even experienced sales pros who think they've heard it all, with strategies and concepts that work! Your sales team will be charged up and ready to go...and your company and customers will reap the rewards. Time with Jim is time well spent. Watch your productivity and profitability soar! https://pancero.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 120 episodes
Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero
Latest Episodes
Are your reps taking full advantage of your video sales tools?
What kind of video sales aids and support are you providing your reps? Everyone now has access to Zoom and the other video conferencing platforms available…but are you effectively utilizing this new tool to increase your team’s customer-connect...
Season 4
Episode 21

Are your reps successfully using WIIFM’s in their selling messaging?
Are you pushing your reps to sell using WIIFM’s (“What’s in it for me?”)? Join me as I talk about a classic of sales coaching…teaching reps to focus more on the WIIFM’s of what you’re selling than the product facts and features.
Season 4
Episode 20

Are any of your reps guilty of “Ready – Fire – Aim?”
How many of your reps, when given an opportunity, will just act without doing any research or account prep? Join Jim as he talks about how you can help your reps break this “Ready – Fire – Aim” challenge…so they can sell even more!
Season 4
Episode 19

Want to evaluate how strong a sales leader you really are?
Success in sales today is based on the strength of your sales coaching and leadership. So how much actual sales leadership training have you had? Are you even aware of all the skills critical to today’s successful leadership? Join Jim as he sha...
Season 4
Episode 18

Do your reps understand (and use) the 3 basic structures of asking questions?
How skilled are your reps at asking questions of their buyers? How much time have you spent training and coaching your reps on the basic structures of questioning? Join me as I share the three fundamental skills of persuasive questioning…and ho...
Season 4
Episode 17