Sales Leadership with Jim Pancero

How are you helping your reps get higher, wider, and deeper?

Jim Pancero Season 4 Episode 5

How many of your reps are only calling on people at the lowest customer levels who place orders but are not the decision makers? Join me as I share ideas of how you and your team can get higher, wider, and deeper within your accounts…both to stabilize your customers as well as grow your they can sell even more!

Are your sales reps getting high enough, wide enough and deep enough within your important accounts? Hi, I'm Jim Pancero, helping you become a stronger leader of your sales team. In reality, most salespeople is they don't have enough depth or stability within the important accounts that they're counting on as critical for their selling success.

So one of the concepts of to increase your value and connectivity with a customer and to lower their resistance so that they want to talk to you and you understand more about their business, is we need to get higher, wider and deeper within the accounts. Higher up is talking, and we need to make sure we're talking to decision makers or at least people that direct decisions to what we're dealing with or what we're proposing. The second level is we need to get wider to the other departments that might influence or have an impact on this decision, even though they're not a decision maker within what we're proposing, they could still influence it or have impact. What are we doing to reach out to those people? And finally, what are we doing to get to the frontline, the consumers, the users, the people that handle our products? To talk to them about how easy it is to do business with us and what would make their job easier and more efficient if we could rearrange the way we did business.

The problem with a lot of sales reps is in most distribution and equipment sales territories I see, over half the customers a sales rep is dealing with, they only have one contact at that account. Now that contact's buying from them but that's it. So what happens to that one contact leaves, is killed in a car wreck, or somehow is no longer there? What's the chance you're going to keep the business if your sales rep is really only selling to one person? So the way to improve the stability of any account is by getting higher, wider, and deeper.

Would love to know how you and your sales reps are doing this, what you're doing to outreach to the other people that can influence the decision, even if they're not the decision maker. Thanks for checking out my podcast. I'm posting two new podcasts each week, all aimed at helping you and your team increase your selling competitive advantage.